0457 123 852 Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm
Canberra Technology Park, Unit D102, 49 Phillip Ave, Watson ACT 2602


Balance Mat Pty Ltd

Board members

Balance Mat Pty Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Perimeter Security Industries International (previously trading as Perimeter Security Industries or PSI), a Canberra-based unlisted public company established in 2011 to develop optical fibre technology for the security industry. At that time the company’s three board members were co-founders Sylvia Tulloch (Chair) and Ian Bergman and Michael McCann.

In April 2016, PSI began working on optical fibre technology for healthcare applications. To reflect the new healthcare focus, the company name was changed from PSI to Balance Mat in July 2019.

In July 2022, Mike McCann stepped down as a board member to focus on his other corporate commitments with Lava Blue and Uniflow Power Ltd. He was replaced by Sylvia’s son George Tulloch, who remains a director of Balance Mat Pty Ltd, alongside Sylvia as Chair and Ian as a board member and Managing Director of the company.


The Balance Mat Pty Ltd company mission is to improve and maintain people’s health by providing a unique system that measures balance quickly and simply, helps prevent injuries and deaths from falls and promotes better health and fitness in the ageing and general populations.


The company’s vision is to become a globally recognised health informatics company that revolutionises balance assessment worldwide.

Key milestones

Milestone #1: Balance Mat Pty Ltd inception
April 2016

Milestone #2: Australian Government R&D Tax Incentive program inclusion
August 2016 – 2021

Milestone #3: Balance Mat research & development (R&D)
April 2016 to date ongoing

Milestone #4: Testing of Unimetric Balance Mat prototype with Council on the Ageing (COTA) ACT members
April 2017

Milestone #5: Completion of prototype Unimetric Balance Mat for aged care and healthy ageing sectors
December 2017

Milestone #6: RMIT University validation of Multimetric Balance Mat system against force plates
August 2019

Milestone #7: Completion of prototype Multimetric 4 Balance Mat for allied health professionals  
December 2019

Milestone #8: Australian patent granted
January 2020

Milestone #9: Initial clinical research by Dr Phil Ewart at Hastings Family Medical Centre
July 2020 to June 2021 (ongoing)

Milestone #10: Marketing campaign to Council on the Ageing (COTA) SA Strength for Life seniors exercise class facilitators in South Australia
September 2020

Milestone #11: Completion of prototype Neurometric Balance Mat for allied health & medical researchers
September 2021

Milestone #12: University of Canberra validation of Neurometric Balance Mat against inertial sensors
December 2021

Milestone #13: Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) approval
December 2021

Milestone #14: Official market launch of the Balance Mat system at Hastings Family Medical Centre, Wauchope NSW by Dr David Gillespie MP, then Minister for Regional Health
January 2022

Milestone #15: Completion of Neurometric Balance Mat for researchers in allied health & medicine
June 2022

Milestone #16: Balance Metrix licensed as first distributor of Balance Mat systems
October 2022

Milestone #17: Completion of BESS Balance Mat for concussion care
December 2022