0457 123 852 Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm
Canberra Technology Park, Unit D102, 49 Phillip Ave, Watson ACT 2602


for exercise physiologists, physiotherapists,
doctors and researchers

You can manage what you can measure

Health and fitness are particularly important for older Australians. As we age our sensory systems may decline, contributing to poor balance.

We know that good balance is associated with good health, reflected in our motto of “Live well longer.”

Since balance is a key indicator of a person’s fitness, the Multimetric Balance Mat can assist allied health and medical professionals to better manage the health of their clients. 

For researchers studying postural control, gait and static balance the Balance Mat is a new and interesting, cost-effective tool.

For patients, it is non-threatening to stand on and taps into a worldwide fascination with fitness metrics such as body weight, heart rate and number of footsteps taken.

This innovative system is designed to be used in the assessment of falls risk and aid in the management of health conditions such as diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis and other neurological conditions. It can also be used for rehabilitation after injuries (particularly sports injuries), stroke and heart attack.

The Multimetric Balance Mat assesses a person’s balance ability, giving four different graphs and scores from a sequence of four well-known balance testing standing positions – normal, tandem, left leg and right leg – all with the person’s eyes open.

The system comprises:

•  a computerised mat

•  software programmed to accommodate the four sequential tests set out above

•  access to the Balance Mat online test results system.

Balance data is displayed on a Windows 10 or 11 computer or laptop as real-time graphs and scores. Note that the computer or laptop is not included. To operate the Balance Mat you will need your own.

The standard protocol is for the patient to stand comfortably with their eyes open and hands by their side. If you are seeking a balance testing device that tests balance with people’s eyes closed go to the Neurometric Balance Mat product page.

A four-in-one, eyes-open balance tester

Normal stance eyes open

Test 1. Normal stance

The Multimetric Balance Mat measures people’s balance with their eyes open. The first or “normal stance” test measures the person’s balance when they are standing still on the mat with their feet side-by-side hip-width apart and eyes open. A score of zero indicates zero postural sway = excellent balance. 

Tandem stance eyes open

Test 2. Tandem stance

The tandem stance test involves the person standing with one foot in front of the other, heel to toe. This test is about lateral postural stability because it narrows the base of support and gives valuable information about the person’s sense of positioning, or proprioception, and motor coordination, or “balance.” Although many people find the stance difficult to maintain, a person with excellent balance can achieve a score of zero. 

Left foot

Test 3. One legged – left foot

Sometimes called the Stork or Flamingo, the one-legged test requires the person to stand on their left foot on the left footprint. Just like manual balance tests, the time they can stand one-legged is an important indicator of balance ability. The dynamic graph and score give extra and more nuanced information, making the Multimetric Balance Mat ideal for people with pretty good balance. 

right foot

Test 4. One legged – right foot

The one-legged stance test on the right foot requires the person to stand on their right foot on the right footprint. The Balance Mat measures the person’s static balance on each leg independently and enables comparison to detect and monitor balance asymmetries. 

How does it work?

The Balance Mat works by sensing and recording the continuous postural adjustments of a person standing on a computerised floor mat during a sequence of four 20-second tests.

Balance data is displayed on a Windows 10 or  11 computer or laptop as a dynamic graph and score.

The final graph, score, biodata, health status and relevant notes can be captured in the test results system for comparison over time, making the Multimetric Balance Mat an ideal outcome measure for allied health and medical practitioners and researchers.

Why buy or subscribe?

•  Provides a more accurate, richer result than time-based testing alone

•  Uses an objective measure to confirm professional judgement based on observation, knowledge and experience

•  Gives real-time feedback on balance ability in different standing positions including separate results for each leg