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Balance Mat officially launched

Balancemat launched

The Balance Mat system was officially launched by the Minister for Regional Health Dr David Gillespie MP at the Hastings Medical Centre in Wauchope, NSW on 18 January 2022.

It followed the approval of the Balance Mat by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in December 2021.

Dr Gillespie has been a strong supporter of the Balance Mat since our demonstration of an early prototype at Australian Parliament House in February 2018. As a medical practitioner of 30 years’ experience Dr Gillespie believes the device has tremendous potential for use in medical practices, hospitals and aged care centres.

Hastings Medical Centre nurse Karen Hamilton tested Dr Gillespie’s balance at the launch and found he was in his words a “well balanced bloke.”

The next step in the Balance Mat commercialisation journey is an application to the Australian Medical Services Advisory Committee for listing of the system on the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS).

A successful application would mean that doctors and healthcare professionals would be able to claim a Medicare rebate for Balance Mat testing.

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