0457 123 852 Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm
Canberra Technology Park, Unit D102, 49 Phillip Ave, Watson ACT 2602


George Tulloch demonstrates the tandem stance on the Balance Mat
In April 2024 George Tulloch resigned as CEO of Balance Mat Pty Ltd. George had stepped in as CEO during Ian Bergman’s treatment and recovery from severe health issues.  During his illnesses Ian continued to undertake his Managing Director responsibilities. This included ongoing research and development of Balance Mat systems, aided by two team members...
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Balancemat launched
The Balance Mat system was officially launched by the Minister for Regional Health Dr David Gillespie MP at the Hastings Medical Centre in Wauchope, NSW on 18 January 2022. It followed the approval of the Balance Mat by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in December 2021. Dr Gillespie has been a strong supporter of the...
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Canberra Uni
After testing the balance of 20 seniors at the University of Canberra, balance researcher Dr Maryam Ghahramani has given the Multimetric Balance Mat an official tick of approval. Dr Ghahramani’s research involved comparing the Balance Mat and inertial sensors simultaneously. Inertial sensors are currently the primary device used by thousands of balance researchers worldwide to...
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Mat making machine
The Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has approved the listing of the Balance mat as a Class 1 medical device on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods, with ID no. 380465. The Balance Mat is listed in the broad category of “Balance/mobility management system platform” under the Global Medical Device Nomenclature system. This is a...
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University of Canberra researchers have worked with Balance Mat Pty Ltd to develop a robotic calibration device. It follows the signing of a collaborative agreement with the university to undertake research using the Balance Mat. The resulting bipedal robotic test mechanism was designed and fabricated by the university’s Robotics Group. The robot is capable of...
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we've moved
Balance Mat Pty Ltd is now operating from the Canberra Technology Park in Watson, ACT. Canberra Technology Park is an excellent location for us, being a thriving hub of technology development in Canberra. The Park provides infrastructure and logistics support, as well as valuable technical and commercial networking opportunities. As a result of the move...
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Dr Phil Ewart
Valuable insights into the balance ability of 400 patients at Hastings Medical Centre in Wauchope, northern New South Wales, have been obtained. Under the supervision of Dr Phil Ewart, several nurses at the practice tested patients’ balance using the Balance Mat over the last six months. De-identified patient data such as medical history and health...
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Unimetric for Falls Prevention
While COVID-19 tragically has taken the lives of many Australians in aged care, many die each year due to preventable falls. Preventable falls are a fatal flaw in our overburdened aged care system, with statistics showing that one in three Australians over the age of 65 experiences a fall each year, 400 people die and...
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make falls prevention easier
When I was designing the Balance Mat I looked at the Australian CS&QHC (Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care) Falls Guidelines. These recommend best practice falls assessment methods be used during admission of older people to hospital and residential aged care facilities. The Unimetric Balance Mat is an Australian-made, patented balance measurement system...
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People can age well
There is a common misconception that balance deteriorates with age. During my personal testing on the Balance Mat of more than a thousand people, including people in their eighties and nineties, I have found that most elderly people actually do have good balance. Generally speaking, when an older person has a fall there can be...
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