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Balance Mat personnel update

George Tulloch demonstrates the tandem stance on the Balance Mat

In April 2024 Balance Mat Pty Ltd board member George Tulloch made an announcement on LinkedIn, saying: “After a fulfilling journey as CEO of Balance Mat, I’m thrilled that Ian Bergman is ready to retake the helm …” The following news story provides some background.

As part of the company’s business model, the board of Balance Mat Pty Ltd has always envisioned having a number of distributors for Balance Mat products. On 17 October 2022 the first distributor was licensed – Balance Metrix – a business that Balance Mat inventor Ian Bergman established himself.

Managed by Ian’s partner and former Balance Mat Pty Ltd Marketing Manager Margaret Metz, Margaret and Ian began building the Balance Metrix brand (around Ian as inventor of the Balance Mat) towards the end of 2022.

It followed Balance Mat Pty Ltd board members Sylvia and George Tulloch taking control of Balance Mat Pty Ltd marketing and George being named as CEO during Ian’s treatment and recovery from some severe health issues.

Despite his illnesses Ian has continued to undertake his Managing Director responsibilities. This has included ongoing research and development of Balance Mat systems, aided by two team members Abishek Shrestha and Binod Shrestha.

George still occupies a space on the company’s board alongside his mother Sylvia Tulloch, who is the major investor. (It was lucky that she had a son who could take the helm and help protect her significant investment.)

Since George has stepped down as CEO, and the Balance Mat Pty Ltd Marketing Manager position became redundant in 2022, all sales and subscriptions of Balance Mat systems will now be handled by Balance Metrix (see www.balancemetrix.com.au).

Enquiries: Please contact Ian Bergman on 0457 123 852.

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