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Churches of Christ Care embraces Balance Mat

Scott Rissmann

Churches of Christ Care in Queensland is set to demonstrate the value of the Balance Mat.

This follows a meeting between Balance Mat’s General Manager Ian Bergman and Churches of Christ Care’s Allied Health Team Leader/Physiotherapist Craig Wilson in October 2017 at the LASA National Congress on the Gold Coast.

Mr Wilson was keen to have his team of physiotherapists trial the Balance Mat when it was ready – i.e. when the research and development phase had been completed and a fully quality-assured product with a data management system was available to purchase.

This occurred by the end of February and on 1 March 2018 the first Balance Mat was delivered to Churches of Christ Care Physiotherapist Scott Rissmann at Marana Gardens Aged Care Service in Southport, Queensland.

Mr Rissman plans to use the Balance Mat to monitor changes in residents’ health status over time in conjunction with the exercise programs he runs at Marana Gardens.

Once this is underway there is potential for other Churches of Christ Care facilities to emulate the program that is developed.

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