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Thumbs up for Balance Mat in Melbourne

Balance Mat at Melbourne Expo

The Multimetric Balance Mat drew a 100% positive response from healthcare providers at the 9th Victorian Healthcare Week Expo held in Melbourne from 23 to 24 July 2019. Individual responses included a big thumbs up from Dr Sherrie Lee, a chiropractor at the Spine and Soft Tissue Clinic in Whittlesea, Melbourne, who recorded a mid-range score of 3.69 in the tandem stance on the Multimetric Balance Mat. Another response was from Trish Williams, Professor of Digital Health Systems at the College of Science and Engineering at Flinders University in Adelaide, who was impressed by the Multimetric Balance Mat’s ability to illustrate her self-assessed poor balance in the form of a “spiky” graph that visually reflected her postural adjustments in the tandem stance.

Associate Professor Zhen Zheng from RMIT University’s School of Health and Biomedical Sciences was so impressed by the product’s potential as a balance measurement tool for sports science that she explored the possibility of a collaborative research project with Balance Mat Pty Ltd.

Visitors queued to see their balance measurement results displayed on two large screens at the Balance Mat display and also saw videos of elderly residents at an aged care facility on the Gold Coast having their balance measured on the Unimetric Balance Mat.

The speed of balance testing on the Multimetric Balance Mat was a great asset in enabling about 150 people to have their balance measured during the two days of the Expo.
While conventional balance testing can take a healthcare practitioner hours to complete, the Balance Mat gives a multimetric analysis of a person’s balance in only minutes. Amongst large gatherings of people, its huge novelty value is fun too!

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