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COTA inspires research into new product

COTA ladies

PSI has begun developing early prototypes of a sensor mat that can measure how much a person is swaying while standing.

It follows advice from the Council on the Ageing (COTA) ACT that there is a real need for a simple, easy and reliable tool that can determine the falls risk of elderly people.

Research conducted by PSI confirmed that preventable falls cost the Australian health sector $500 million per year.

The company has now decided to invest the time and effort needed to develop a sensor mat that can be used by health professionals to determine who is at risk of falling.

COTA ACT Executive Director Jenny Mobbs has agreed to assist PSI by mobilising volunteer testers and organising meetings with aged care providers.

Over the next few months PSI will test a series of prototypes with the aim of achieving a sensor mat that is able to provide consistent measurements of balance.

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