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Dr David Gillespie MP endorses Balance Mat

Parliament House Feb 2018

Federal Member for Lyne Dr David Gillespie has provided the Balance Mat with an exciting showcase opportunity inside Australian Parliament House, Canberra. Watch the video

At a health policy forum on 14 February 2018, Dr Gillespie encouraged his colleagues to test their balance on the Balance Mat, which was displayed prominently during the event.

As former Assistant Minister for Health and a general practitioner with thirty years of experience, Dr Gillespie recognised the importance of the Balance Mat as a breakthrough in balance measurement.

He saw immediate potential for the product to be used in falls risk assessment in the aged care sector and particularly in rural areas.

In appreciation of their long-standing commitment to the testing and development of the Balance Mat, COTA ACT President Ewan Brown was invited to the health policy forum as a distinguished guest.

PSI Chair Sylvia Tulloch and Balance Mat General Manager were on hand to showcase and demonstrate the product.

One of the attendees who tested their balance was Rob Bradley, CEO of the Confederation of Australian Sport (CAS), who was pleased to find his balance results were excellent. Mr Bradley offered his support to test the Balance Mat for measuring concussion in sport.

Ian Bergman & Silvia Tulloch

Federation of sports



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