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Chi & harmony

Stage set for chi & harmony

The Balance Mat is assisting some of Canberra’s older Chinese community members to create harmony in health, body and mind.

Based on the Chinese cultural value of harmony or “chi,” the Harmony Club is a 12-week program of meaningful activities for Chinese seniors focusing on health, “reablement” and positive ageing.

Starting on 31 October 2017, this activities-based education program will run twice a year and integrate balance measurement with Tai Chi, Chinese calligraphy, Chinese cooking and financial management sessions.

The Balance Mat will be used to track the balance of Harmony Club participants during the program, which also explores the topics of aged care and falls mitigation and emphasises the importance of actively engaging in harmony-enhancing activities.

The Harmony Club is a partnership between the ACT Chinese Australian Association Inc. (CAA) and Balance Mat inventor PSI.

Stage set for chi & harmony

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