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University to study new balance mat

PSI has entered a partnership with the University of Canberra (UC) Faculty of Health to test the Balance Mat against other methods of balance measurement.

Associate Professor Jamie Gaida and Assistant Professor Wayne Spratford will lead a study to document the reproducibility of measurements obtained from the PSI balance mat against existing methods of balance measurement.

These comprise force platforms, motion analysis and the Lord Swaymeter or FallScreen (NeuRA) test.

The research, which will last for 50 minutes per participant and extend over twelve months from June 2017, will aim to provide independent validation of the PSI balance mat.

Where possible the research will focus on participants from clinical populations with a high falls risk. Another aim is to distinguish between individuals with good and poor postural balance.

The ACT Government is providing $44,000 for the project through its Innovation Vouchers program.

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